Financial Summary - Banca Cooperatistă Putna Focsani
Unique identification code: 5777009
Registration number: J39/289/1994
Nace: 6419
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Banca Cooperatistă Putna Focsani - Unique Identification Number 5777009: - euro, registering a net profit of 87.817 euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activităţi de intermedieri monetare having the NACE code 6419.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419
Numerar si solduri de numerar la banci centrale 7.077.296 2.640.652 3.554.929 3.387.745 5.629.673 5.747.510 5.275.741 20.062.622 13.047.716 12.994.770
Datorii financiare detinute in vederea tranzactionarii 0 0 0 - 1.287.874 128.966 - - - -
Datorii financiare desemnate ca fiind evaluate la valoarea justa prin profit sau pierdere 0 - 0 - - - - - 48.157.448 -
Datorii financiare evaluate la cost amortizat 17.180.823 14.362.838 15.809.171 17.036.533 18.139.202 20.153.545 22.118.230 53.743.703 - 72.715.223
Provizioane 9.038 9.728 8.077 11.827 11.814 18.492 22.261 22.063 31.669 63.035
Capital social 2.639.240 2.690.600 2.740.260 2.889.300 3.025.940 3.203.920 3.335.900 6.099.400 6.191.070 10.279.946
Rezultatul reportat 65.676 85.450 105.225 4.655 32.628 58.441 87.348 -77.446 -27.841 -1.465.522
Alte Rezerve 1.233.150 1.259.760 1.308.746 1.317.236 1.358.693 1.479.588 1.707.603 2.900.056 3.161.617 6.354.527
Profit sau pierdere din operatiuni continue inainte de impozitare 17.457 88.674 -137.656 36.461 97.775 261.078 226.397 328.397 6.053.865 86.051
Profit sau pierdere din operatiuni continue dupa impozitare 6.666 71.224 -120.344 26.334 75.694 222.534 195.008 274.931 264.277 87.817
Profit sau pierdere din activitati intrerupte dupa impozitare 0 0 0 - - - - - 233.984 -
Profit sau pierdere aferent/a exercitiului 6.666 71.224 -120.344 26.334 75.694 222.534 195.008 274.931 - 87.817
Active financiare desemnate ca fiind evaluate la valoarea justã prin alte elemente ale rezultatului global 12.779.214 14.519.860 14.561.953 16.608.131 - - - - - -
Active financiare evaluate la cost amortizat 0 0 0 - 17.211.440 18.271.096 20.875.213 40.581.531 42.472.004 71.104.912
Investitii in filiale, asocieri in participatie si entitati asociate 515.800 518.070 544.750 570.970 603.130 634.960 659.120 1.209.380 1.240.410 2.176.510
Imobilizari corporale 1.329.530 1.294.310 1.246.334 1.388.108 1.294.538 1.211.865 1.315.085 2.245.015 2.070.518 4.178.094
Imobilizari necorporale 11.880 14.399 8.104 3.793 2.112 880 703 103 79 3.136

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Banca Cooperatistă Putna Focsani

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